About Me

One of my favorite picture books as a child was an amusing little story called Caps for Sale. The book follows a peddler who wears many hats, one stacked on top of the other, on top of his head. He gets into trouble with some monkeys along the way, but in the end makes his way back through his little village with caps in tow. Sometimes, I imagine myself like him, a wearer of many hats (who is familiar with mischievous monkeys), making my way through my own little village.

This website is primarily dedicated to my work as a children’s book author, though I may don other hats here and there.

I love of all kinds of writing, but picture books have my heart. I love the way text and illustrations join together to ignite imagination. I am also a strong believer that one is never too old for a picture book. When grown-ups engage with picture books, we tap into an often neglected part of ourselves that longs to play, and laugh, and imagine.

When I’m not wrapped up in storybooks, I have the privilege of entering into the real life stories of others through my work as a professional counselor. My training and practice as a therapist informs my writing and shapes the narrative I hope to bring forth in my picture books – a narrative that speaks to the inherent value of us creatures, the joy of discovery, the beauty of noticing, and the power of presence. Themes of empathy, love, adventure, and reflection often show up in my writing.

The greatest privilege of my life is mothering my three children and journeying alongside my husband who makes room for the whimsy of my writing. My site is called Westside Storybooks for a few reasons: The west side of Atlanta is where I live and write. And, I love musical theater.

Words of Invitation

If you are a dreamer, come in, if you are a dreamer, a wisher, a liar, a hope-er, a pray-er, a magic bean buyer… If you’re a pretender, come sit by my fire for we have some flax-golden tales to spin. Come In! Come In!”

Shel Silverstein, Where the Sidewalk Ends

Join me for a monthly update on my new picture book, From Your Head to Your Toes, and for other storybook fun.